What to Gift this Holiday Season


Give the Gift of Home with Loom

We get it, holiday shopping for certain people in our lives can be tough! Whether it's your sister, your MIL, your grandma who doesn't need anything, or let's be honest - yourself! We all have a Rachel Green in our life (iykyk).

At Loom Decor, we are here to help!

Loom Holiday Gift Guide... Picky Person Edition:

Loom Decor eGift Card

Let's kick off with the simplest choice: a Gift Card! Whether it's for a friend settling into a new home, someone designing a nursery, or anyone in dire need of a decor overhaul, a gift card is the ultimate solution! It puts the power in their hands, allowing them to choose exactly what suits their taste best—no blame game for choosing the wrong color! Win-win!

Loom Decor eGift Card



These versatile pieces multitask as seats, footstools, or stylish side tables. Crafted with indoor or outdoor fabrics, they seamlessly transition from an indoor footrest to an outdoor poolside perch! An ideal gift—after all, bigger is better, isn't it?

 Pouf Floor Pillows | Loom Decor


Floor Pillows

Floor cushions offer endless possibilities – from casual coffee table dinners to cozy kids' sleepovers and lounging for movie nights. That's precisely why we adore our generously-sized floor pillows! Trust us, it's an exceptional gift choice for any occasion.

 Floor Cushions | Loom Decor



Napkins... sounds boring right? Wrong! With over 20 colors to choose from, our linen dinner napkins have the power to elevate your dinner table from ordinary to extraordinary with effortless sophistication. It's a simple yet striking addition, making it a fabulous gift choice this holiday season.

 Linen Napkins | Loom Decor


Well, we hope you find this home decor gift guide helpful! If not, everyone loves candy and fuzzy socks, right?!

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